Sunday, April 24, 2011

Last day of Lent

According to readthescriptures dot com, I am through with my scheduled reading for The Book of Mormon. I'm not, I did not keep up with the schedule I set up, which was to read the BOM for Lent. I read the BOM for Lent last year too. Last year I read it in 103 days. Out of those 103 days, I missed 7 days of reading, so I actually read it in 96 days.

This year I would have liked to read it in 46 days. There have been several days this year I haven't felt well and as a result I've only read 1 or 2 chapters some days. I have set a tentative goal to finish in half the time I read it last year, 51 days.

The New Testament is the next volume of scripture I'm going to tackle. The LDS Church is studying the New Testament this year in Sunday School & Primary.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Link List vs. Blog List

I found another blog to follow & I've been trying to add it. I couldn't do it. I checked & looked at my other blogs & all of a sudden I got it! I have a link list, not a blog list. Now, I need to delete the link list & add a blog list. Hmmm, no time. I hate it when that happens.

Not only that, I have LOTS of books to blog about. I read 8 books in March & have already read 3 in April. And a new Four Month Reading Challenge has started.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Someone called me an omnivorous reader. So, not really knowing what an omnivorous reader was, I looked it up. I thought omnivorous was an animal that ate both plant & animals. So, I went to The Free & found this definition:
Taking in everything available, as with the mind: an omnivorous reader.
So, I guess I am an omnivorous reader.