2012 Reading Plan

My 2012 Reading Plan is more elaborate than in years past. I set a goal of 62 books for the year, one book for each year of my age. I broke the year into quarters, 15 books a quarter with an extra book every 6 months.
  • 5 - 5 point books: romances or books of 100 pages or less
  • 4 - 10 point books: 100-250 pages
  • 3 - 15 point books: 250-500 pages
  • 2 - 20 point books: 500 pages or more OR a "shelved" book1
  • 1 - 100 point book: Chunkster (1,000 pages or more)
  • 500 point book to be read in 6 months2
For a total of 15 books for each quarter; 31 books for each half of the year.

Each 1,000 points equals a $10 gift certificate for a book. A 25 point bonus will be given for each book read over the 15 required reads.

1"Shelved" books were started & not finished
2Either a book of scripture or a text book.