Friday, June 17, 2011

An update

No, the bankruptcy case was not dismissed. So, still no reading, just more guilt. I may never reach my goal of 50, er 60 books for 2011.

I am trying to read Georgette Heyer's mystery, Detection Unlimited. It was an interlibrary loan & is 151 on my TBR list, added Jan. 13, 2010. I'm finding it rather ponderous. And to think I used to LOVE Georgette Heyer's books. Maybe it was just the Regency romances though. I don't think I've ever read one of her mysteries.

According to Goodreads, this is one of Ms. Heyer's final novels & brings Chief Inspsector Hemingway back in the 4th of a series. One of the reviews said it would have been so much better if Ms. Heyer would have included a map of the village of Thornden. Well, in the book I'm reading, published in 1969, there is a map, for which I'm very grateful. I love the cover of the book in the photo, but wonder who it is supposed to be? The book I'm reading is plain green clothbound. Of course, after 42 years, there is no dust jacket.

I snagged Cotillion by Ms. Heyer from Amazon's free Kindle book of the week last week. I was so psyched. But it is sitting in the Kindle archive waiting for me, Detection Unlimited has to be returned to the Gooding (Idaho) Public Library in 10 days.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


I just spent an hour or so playing with backgrounds, graphics, colors & font faces for this blog. I came on over because I just found this really cool blog on Facebook for free and bargain Kindle books called Pixel of Ink & have downloaded THREE books from Amazon. One of them was Cotillion by Georgette Heyer. Another was chick lit & a mystery.

Our bankruptcy case was dismissed, so now I can read without feeling guilty.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Notes from book group

Cleaning off the table by the side of the computer so I can have some work space yielded a half piece of paper on which I had written notes from book group last week, May 25.

We were discussing the book The House at Riverton by Australian author Kate Morton. I jotted this, "Why the "f" word on page 409?" It was the only "f" word in the whole book & it kind of broad sided you. My husband did some research on the "f" word & says it has been around for centuries.

A series of books by Ben Behunin is being discussed in Beverly's other book group this summer. She suggested we read them in our book group. They were voted down. Connie Gilbert is having Behunin come to the Larsen-Sant Library in September to speak. His books are Remembering Isaac: the Wise and Wonderful Potter of Neiderbipp (2009), Discovering Isaac: the Beloved Potter of Neiderbipp (2009), Becoming Isaac: the Next Potter of Neiderbipp (2010). So I added them to my To Be Read list, sigh, 263-5. I will NEVER read all the books on the list.

I did find his blog & am fascinated, but can't read it tonight because I was supposed to do something this week I haven't done & I'm feeling terribly guilty.

We will read ummm, I don't remember what June's read is. It doesn't look like I wrote it down. I will have to ask.

According to my note, July's read is To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee. It will be a reread.

The rest of the note is Cindy Harris' graham cracker recipe I used in Recipe Corner.