Saturday, July 21, 2012

Finished books

I went back & checked my Goodreads log against my March 22 entry & found that I actually read 6 books in March, not the 4 listed. I had asked for interlibrary loan, but since it was a Hardy Boys Casefiles, as opposed to just a regular Hardy Boys, I got the wrong one. The librarian persisted & got me a double book from Washington State. Wow! I was impressed.
Open Season (Hardy Boys: Casefiles #59) by Franklin W. Dixon, 4 stars****
Spiked (Hardy Boys: Casefiles #58) by Franklin W. Dixon, 4 stars****
Even adding these 2 books, I only made it to 14 books in the first quarter. And I was mistaken, there was already a label for mystery in my labels.

I read 2 whole books in the 2nd quarter, April-June. Wow!
Dakota Home by Debbie Macomber, Book 2 of a trilogy, I gave it 2 stars ** This book took 3 weeks to read.
Knotted Gold by Lance Richardson, a memoir. I gave it 4 stars ****
So, I'm up to 17 books year-to-date & it's almost August. So, if we do the math, that's 45 books to read before Dec. 31. I don't think that will happen.

I read a book!

The March 22 blog entry is quite disgusting, actually. I am so far behind on my goal of 62 books, I will never make it. I did finish a book yesterday though!! W00t W00t!!
Panning For Murder (Murder, She Wrote, #28) by Jessica Fletcher, Donald Bain
Bookshelves: 2012-reads, fiction, mystery, new-author, 4 stars ****
Recommended by: Jean Carter
Read from June 06 to July 20, 2012
I have never read any Murder, She Wrote books. It was given to me during an extended hospital stay. It took me 6 weeks to read. Not that it wasn't interesting. It was large print too; but my mind wouldn't stay focused. Once I got home & started becoming interested in the world outside my pain, agony & diagnosis, I became caught up in the book. I had my own theories about who dunnit. I would've liked an epilogue. It left me with some questions, but ... can't have everything can we? 
 Since this is #28 in the series & I'm sure they are not consecutive, that gives me a lot of new books to read.

Went to label this & can't believe I didn't have an entry for mystery. It is one of my favorite genres.