Friday, October 8, 2010

Pulitzer Prize book

One of the 20 point challenges for T4MRC is "Read a book that was a winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction." I didn't think I had ever read a Pulitzer Prize book.

Mother got a book from Talking Books by A. B. Guthrie Jr., titled Arfive. In logging it into her Goodreads account, I found A.B. Guthrie Jr. had written The Way West, the Pulitzer prize winner for fiction in 1950. And I remembered reading it. So, I added it to my books on Goodreads. Not sure of the date read, but I do remember it was a quilting bee & it was before Grandma died.

The Way West (Paperback) by A.B. Guthrie Jr.
The Way West
by A.B. Guthrie Jr.

Rayni's review
Aug 22, 10

2 of 5 stars
bookshelves: 1960s, award-winning, westerns

status: Read in July, 1962, read count: 1

I don't remember much about this book except I wasn't supposed to read it. I remember overhearing my teen-aged aunt (Maxine) telling my mother not to let me read it. It was "above my head." I, of course, immediately went to the attic of my grandparents home & found it. I sat in the attic & read all afternoon while my mother, grandmother & other female relatives were quilting in the living room. 
message 1: by Pat,
LOL----don't remember that much about it huh? Must not have been that good!
 message 2: by Wayne
Now you know how Adam and Eve felt!!!
Like mother like daughter, it seems!!
Ya, Wayne, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Pat, the only thing I remember about it is I wasn't supposed to read it. I do remember I read fast, with a pounding heart, so afraid I'd be caught. 
More than just a "reading experience" this episode in the attic!!
It's also a young person's blow for independence from the Adult World and in another way an entry into it as an Equal...regardless of whether they knew of it or not, the step had been taken. You had arrived!!!
Via "The Way West"!!!
So much else going on, no wonder you don't remember the plot!!
God bless you, Rayni.
love from Wayne. 
Not sure what Wayne mean in his first comment. But I love the second comment.

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