Monday, January 3, 2011

2010 summarized

I have been closing out my 2010 posts & spreadsheets. My 2011 spreadsheets are ready to go - nice & clean.

I read 48 books in 2010. Of those I read 3 books each by Jennifer Chiaverini, Patricia Wiles & Mary Higgins Clark. I read 2 books each by Anne Perry, Louisa May Alcott, Jillian Hart, Joanne Harris & Luanne Rice.

The genre with the most books read was mystery with 9. Memoirs & LDS fiction came in second with 6. Historical fiction came in with 5. I don't usually read memoirs. If I had read all the memoirs I started, it would have come in first. The Let's Talk About It reading program is heavy on memoirs. I only read 1 of the 4 I started there. I am still reading one from the Whitney 2nd Ward book club. I borrowed it from Luana. I need to finish it so I can return it.

Best book of 2010? That's a hard one. Most of the books I read in 2010 were given 4 or 5 stars. The best book is a toss up between Chocolat by Joanne Harris or The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer & Annie Barrows.

Worst book? The Red Tent by Anita Diamant. I did not finish it. I have a copy of the book. I've debated about what to do with it. I've almost decided to throw it away. As far as the ones I finished, I did not care for Blessings by Anna Quindlin. Last Kiss by Luanne Rice was another one. I read these books about half way & then skipped through the rest of the book. Is that called reading? I plowed through A is for Alibi by Sue Grafton.

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