Saturday, January 29, 2011

Let's Talk About It rescheduled

Let's Talk About It has yet to begin this year. The first book was Pilgrim on Tinker Creek or at Tinker Creek scheduled for Jan. 12. The presenter called saying he was sick & it was rescheduled for February. So, I stopped trying to read Tinker Creek & started on Who Owns the West. Much better book, but I got started on Touching Stars by Emilie Richards & never did get back to Who Owns the West. So, Wednesday, Jan. 26, I got a call from Larsen-Sant Library that the presenter had fallen on the ice & Let's Talk About It has been rescheduled. Ok, the next one is Wednesday, Feb. 2. I can't remember what the name of the book is, but I need to finish Touching Stars & the new book for February for the Whitney 2nd Ward book club is The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton.

Then I have There's No Place Like Home by Fern Michaels on interlibrary loan from LANDER, WYOMING. Yes, Wyoming. I didn't know they were part of our consortium of libraries. I have to finish Touching Stars, The Forgotten Garden & No Place Like Home & return them to the library. I can't renew them.

I am 80% of the way finished with Touching Stars & I'm getting bored. Bored, I tell you. I seldom get bored with a book, but … this seems to be one of them. Did you know that John Wilkes Boothe supposedly was NOT killed when & where they thought he was? I sure didn't. I thought he was killed in a warehouse, not some barn in Virginia. Well, this book brings up the theory he wasn't killed, but lived to a ripe old age in Texas. But must have stopped in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia on his way.

Mother had the book No Place Like Home on a digital book from Talking Books. Don-Mike heard parts of it while Mother was listening to it & wanted to read the book. Luana heard parts of the book & Mother told her about it & she wants to read it. So do I. I let Don-Mike have it first. He read it in one sitting. He said he kept trying to find a stopping place & couldn't, so he sat up until 2 a.m. reading it. I offered to let Luana have it next, but she has a daughter & her family here visiting & knows she won't have time to read it. I don't know if I will or not.

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