Sunday, January 9, 2011

2011 word

I just finished reading Debbie Macomber's book Thursdays at Eight. A group of 4 women met during a journal writing class & when the class ended they kept meeting every Thursday morning at 8. Each woman chose a word for the year. I thought that was a great idea. In one of my cousin's daughter's blog entry, she said her word for this year will be "Joy." I'd never heard of a word for a year, then I picked up Thursdays at Eight & there was that idea again.

I threw it out in the Thursdays at Eight thread in the Goodreads Debbie Macomber's Novels group. Three of us have decided on words for the year. Mine is resolution as in a solution, settling of a problem, coming to terms with my life.

There are several things in my life I need to resolve, so I think resolution is a good choice.

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