Saturday, February 26, 2011

Overbooked - pun intended

I have read 5 books this month, making a total of 8 books read this year.

In doing research, I found Lord of the Flies is NOT based on Treasure Island. Good thing, Lord of the Flies is on my May Never Read shelf. Speaking of Treasure Island, I am still plodding along. I am 56% of the way finished. Now, instead of filling the category of being written before I was born, I'm hoping to fill the Classic spot with it on T4MRC-5.

And speaking of T4MRC-5, I've read 3 books that do not fit in any category for that challenge. I only have 70 points.

In the Let's Talk About It program I have yet to finish a book. The discussions are only a week apart & it is definitely not a subject I would have picked. Next up is Prodigal Summer by Barbara Kingsolver. It is the only book I have not looked at yet. I guess I'd better do that.

Instead of reading anything I SHOULD be reading, I found A Christmas Blessing by Donna Van Liere. It is a sequel to Christmas Shoes, a book I really liked. It is told with the help of letters from Nathan's deceased mother & his letters to her. Nathan has grown into a fine young man & is studying to be a doctor. I loved the letters from mom to son & from son to mom. I could never be as eloquent as Maggie (Nathan's mom) was or to think of others when I was so sick. I remember when I was having chemo, all I could think about was how sick I was & if I died my family would be left with a legacy of clutter. Me, me, me, not how devastated my family would be without me & how could I help them in the years to come.

I am also still reading Anna Quindlin's essays from Newsweek & The New York Times, Loud & Clear.

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