Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A dilemma

I have a dilemma. According to the reading schedule I set up on, I will finish 2 Samuel & begin 1 Kings. However, the Old Testament Student Manual, Genesis-2 Samuel, includes a chapter on the Psalms. It seems appropriate to read the Psalms of David AFTER his reign.

Then, as I look at the next Old Testament Student Manual, 1 Kings-Malachi, the books of the Bible are not followed in order. So, what to do? What to do? Song of Solomon is not even included in the manual.
( Note: Joseph Smith indicated that “the Song of Solomon is not inspired scripture”; Bible Dictionary, s.v. “Song of Solomon.” It will therefore not be treated in this manual.)
I started just reading the Old Testament. I have learned so much more by studying the Institute manual along with my scriptures. I really don't think I would've stuck with it this long without the additional insight.

So, do I follow the reading schedule & read the scriptures in order or do I now take the road less traveled & follow the Institute manual where it leads me? I do like the journal from

Good thing I looked at it now. I can think on it for a couple of days without making a quick decision.

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