Saturday, December 11, 2010

Studying the scriptures online

Last night I couldn't sleep, mainly because I had been so exhausted I'd taken a nap. I had planned to read, but couldn't get to my book. So, I drifted off to sleep & got up about 11 p.m. to read my scriptures. I went back to bed at 2 a.m., & laid there for what seemed like hours. I was cold & couldn't get warm. I debated about whether to get up again or just lay there. I laid there & wrote a talk in my head. The next thing I knew it was morning & glorious sunshine was bathing the world in it's light. We've had fog for so long that I just lay there & looked at my tiny slice of the outside world, blue sky & bright sunlight. The window is so small, only about 3 feet x 3 feet.

The talk I wrote in my head was about studying the scriptures online. I actually thought this through as I lay there wide awake. I have 4 windows open on the computer when I study the scriptures, which would mean I would have to have at least 3, maybe 4 books, plus table space to put them, PLUS somewhere to store them when I am not studying. As it is, I have one computer & 4-6 windows open. Instead of picking up the books & searching for the page & where the author wants me to look, I move the mouse to what I'm wondering about & with the click of a button, the answer is there. When I am finished, I save my work, turn off the computer & I'm done.

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