Saturday, November 27, 2010

Finished 2 Kings & 2 Chronicles

It surprised me to learn Kings & Chronicles were parallel accounts. I asked Don if he knew & he said yes.

The Old Testament Student Manual does not address Chronicles separately. I read 2 Chronicles as I read 2 Kings. The OTSM would cross-reference 2 Chronicles, so I would read the corresponding chapters. I haven't finished 1 Chronicles yet. It is a genealogy & was not addressed in the OTSM. Wikipedia says Chronicles immediately follows Samuel & Kings as a summary with additional details sometimes added.

The OTSM took 4 chapters to cover 2 Kings.
  • Chapter 5: 1 Kings 17–2 Kings 2 - read Nov. 5
  • Chapter 6: 2 Kings 3-13 - began Nov. 6, finished Nov. 10
  • Chapter 12: 2 Kings 14-20 - began Nov. 24, finished Nov. 26
  • Chapter 19: 2 Kings 21-25 - read Nov. 27
Kings is a history of the Northern & Southern Kingdoms of Israel & Judah. Rather a sad commentary.

I have skipped Isaiah at this point. The OTSM takes 6 chapters, plus 2 enrichment chapters to cover Isaiah. I know I skipped the chapters on Isaiah in The Book of Mormon. Well ... I read them, but didn't ponder them.

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