Monday, March 21, 2011

I won another book!!!

Wow! It seems like I never win anything & now I have won TWO books from Linda Weaver Clarke's blog. The first one was Hollywood Stories. The new one is an e-book. I love e-books. I need to put it on the network storage device so I can access it from my laptop.

Anyway, this is one of Linda's books, Anasazi Intrigue, the first in a series.
Stolen artifacts, a devastating flood, a snoopy newspaper reporter, and mysterious events begin to unfold in this mystery adventure novel. When a devastating flood takes out several homes in a small town, they are shocked by the news of also a possible poison spill. Quickly Julia realizes the story and investigation are much bigger and more dangerous than she thought! Julia and her husband find themselves on the run trying to save their lives while finishing the story of a lifetime. She never realized that being a reporter could be so dangerous.
Sounds well-named. It is mystery/suspense, one of my favorite, if not my favorite, genres. And, of course, a reporter? I've spent many years in the publishing industry, especially newspaper publishing. I am going to have to put this on my soon to be read list so I can review it for Linda on Amazon. Of course, I'll review it on Goodreads & Its A Must Read as well.

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