Saturday, March 26, 2011

Reading The Book of Mormon

I am reading The Book of Mormon for Lent, the second year in a row. Last year was such a success, even though I went way over the 46 days. I read the BOM in 103 days, which I thought was wonderful. The idea was to use Lent to jump-start me into reading the scriptures daily. Which it did. I've been planning all year to read the BOM again this year for Lent. Didn't realize it could be construed as giving up the Bible for Lent.

So, I'd been feeling kind of … ummm … ambivalent?? Is that the word? But tonight I logged into readthescriptures dot com & this quote by President Hinckley was given with the new reading assignment:
"Read the Book of Mormon itself. Read it again and again. Ponder its beauty. Reflect upon its many magnificent passages. Think of the complexity of the detail of its historical accounts. Pray about it, and the Holy Ghost will bear record to you, as He has to me and to millions of others, that it is the word of God, a voice crying from the dust to this generation in declaration of the divinity and the reality of the Lord Jesus Christ as the living Son of the living God."
 ~ President Gordon B. Hinckley, Sept. 2003
Thank you President Hinckley. Thank You Lord, for giving me this thought to ponder.

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