Friday, March 18, 2011

Still overbooked

Here's a recap of my reading in the last month. I am still overbooked.

I finished the Old Testament & have felt such a sense of accomplishment. I immediately began reading The Book of Mormon. It is so cool to be able to understand the chapters of Isaiah better this year than last year. I didn't notice last year that as Nephi or Jacob read chapters of Isaiah to the people, they would then explain them!!

I have one chapter left of The Old Testament Student Manual, book 2. But that will come. I don't have a deadline to finish it. It is online & the last chapter is a recap. I want to take time to study it, savor it.

Let's Talk About It is finished & I didn't read one book all the way through. I returned the bag of books. Today I looked for Who Owns the West by William Kittredge. I couldn't find it. It was on the computer, saying it was checked in, but it wasn't on the shelf. I also looked for Desert Solitaire, the one about Moab, by Edward Abbey. I gave up.

I already had The Forgotten Garden (in large print this time!) and Dewey's Nine Lives checked out. I returned them unread a couple of weeks ago. I had already renewed Dewey once & I couldn't renew him again. This time I can have him out for another month. The Whitney 2nd Ward book club meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month & I had a miserable migraine that day. Besides I never did get The Forgotten Garden back to finish reading.

I am also still reading Treasure Island. However, I'm a big boob. I'm to the point where they are starting to fight. At least it's on Kindle4PC & I don't have a deadline to read it. Mother does the same thing with the Work & the Glory books. She doesn't like fighting & killing, but she wants to hear what happens, so she starts & stops the book.

I am in the last section of my bathroom read, Anna Quindlin's Loud & Clear. I WON a book on Linda Weaver Clarke's blog!! I am so excited!! It seems I never win anything. This book is a nice hardcover called Hollywood Stories: Short, Entertaining Anecdotes About the Stars and Legends of the Movies! by Stephen Schochet. It will make a great bathroom read.

I got Endless Chain, the second book of the Shenandoah Album series by Emilie Richards, from PaperbackSwap dot com. I really enjoyed Touching Stars by Richards, the fourth book in the series. Mother got Endless Chain from Talking Books & returned it. She didn't like the reader.

I read a couple of books just for The 4 Month Reading Challenge, The Red Geranium by Janette Oke & Major Daddy by Eva Swain. I needed to read a book with a color in the title & one with the name of a family member in the title.

For March, I have read 5 books & have a total of 12 for the year.

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