Wednesday, August 4, 2010


My mother's family of 8 brothers & sisters were close when their parents were alive. A family reunion was held annually because their mother wanted her family to remain close. When Mother's brother Woodrow died, the annual reunions stopped. He was the first sibling to die, but the reunions ceased. The splintering had started before then though.

I read this in my nightly reading tonight at the beginning of chapter 22 of the OTSM
When Joshua and the leaders of Israel who served under him died, the national spirit of Israel also died. Tribal loyalty replaced national unity. Each tribe began to look to its own resources without giving help or asking aid from their fellow Israelites.

Old Testament Student Manual
It reminded me of how Mother's families has splintered. Luana's family has a big family reunion & the grandkids come from Texas, Virginia, Boise, Salt Lake. Dorin's family also has a big family reunion every other year.

Sandee Taylor Matthews commented on something that was posted on Facebook about a "Porter reunion," she deleted it before it could be read there, but I got it in my email.
Wasn't really a reunion.  My parents invited Donna and some of their kids came. They had 4 wheelers and just camped up my where my Dad was raised. I wouldn't call it a reunion. Kind of like when Maxine and family go up Willow Flat.  But it would be fun to do a reunion an afternoon somewhere. There are enough extended family now that hopefully nobody gets bent out of shape for no reason if everyone isn't invited. It gets pretty hard to get to everything. I think the park thing in July would be great!
This year Donna, Onda & Maxine's families met at the "Porter Reunion," but no one else was invited. I commented on Tanya's blog & she deleted my comment. Oh, well, "hopefully nobody gets bent out of shape for no reason." I do, but it is a sad commentary on me.

My mother's immediate family is me, my husband & my 2 sons. We live in the same town & almost in the same house. She doesn't get to see the others, but she sits there all alone in her house & memorizes the nieces & nephews & their children & their children & their birthdays.Why can't we be like the Levites? The other tribes of Israel shared what they had with them.

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