Thursday, November 18, 2010

2011 reads

It's November & the year is winding down. It seems people are thinking of 2011 reads. I joined the 144 Books in 2010 challenge over on Goodreads & will do good if I get a third of those 144 books read. In order to help myself stay on task, I broke that challenge down into several smaller challenges to add up to 144.
  •  Alphabetically by author last name = 26, I have only read 6.
  •  Alphabetically by book title: = 26, 3 read
  •  Dewey decimal system = 10 (1 book for each category), 3 read
  •  Favorite authors = 24, 6 read
  •  May Never Read = 10, 1 read
  •  Memoir &/or biography = 12, 5 read
  •  New author = 12, 11 read
  •  Re-reads = 12, 6 read
  •  TBR = 12, 3 read
Then I made tickers for each challenge & a cumulative one; built a spreadsheet with a page for each challenge & a page for the cumulative total. As of Nov. 18, I have read 44 books. One third of the total is 48, which is totally doable by Dec. 31, without forcing the issue. Last year, 2009, I only read 20 books all year. I feel  good with my accomplishment this year, I easily doubled last years number.

Last year when I was thinking up categories, I was looking for another category & a friend suggested a category for new authors, which I hadn't even thought of. It is the one I have enjoyed the most & have almost completed the challenge. I plan to finish it before the year is out.

So, I haven't decided what I'm going to do for 2011. Do, I just keep on with the 144 books & take 3 years to finish it? Do I bag it because I didn't make it? Do I double my books again this year? Do I start over on my mini challenges? Or make new mini challenges?

One mini challenge I'd like to do this year is Serial Reads - keep track of books in series. And I want to whittle down my to be read list. It is at an all time high at 226 books & I'm adding new books all the time.

I like the way The 4 Month Reading Challenge is set up too, sigh. What to do? What to do?

One thing I had better do is get off the computer. A friend's husband's viewing is tonight. His funeral is tomorrow & I won't be able to go to it. It's a work day. It's my turn to cook this evening also.

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