Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Finished Jonah, Hosea & Micah

In the last week I have finished Jonah, Hosea & Micah. I read Jonah in one sitting, not hard to do with only 4 chapters.

Chapter 9 in the Old Testament Student Manual, One Should Not Flee From One's Responsibilities. I was surprised to find Jonah was such a whiner, not really a whiner, but a very angry man. He did not want to do what the Lord asked him to do. Are we like Jonah? Do we do what the Lord asks us to do?

I made this entry in my Scripture Journal for Jonah:
This is intriguing, something I have never heard before. Jonah was a type of Christ. He was in the belly of the whale for 3 days & 3 nights. In Matthew 12:39-41 Christ says the sign is Jonah.
Chapter 10 in the OTSM, A Call to Faithfulness. It took 3 days to read Hosea, a total of 14 chapters. But Hosea used a lot of metaphors & symbolism like Isaiah. In fact, he was a contemporary of Isaiah. You have to understand the Jewish way of prophesying & I don't. That's why I am so grateful to have the Institute manual to study as I read the scriptures.

Chapter 11, Promise of Judgment, Promise of Salvation. It took 2 nights to read Micah. The internet was so slow, I couldn't switch from window to window. It took almost half an hour just to read 2 chapters. I gave up.

I thought Micah 4:1-2 was interesting where it says "the house of the Lord shall be established in the top of the mountains ... & people shall flow unto it." The exodus of the Mormon pioneers to Utah, in the top of the mountains, in the last half of the 1800s was a fulfillment of this prophecy.

The Savior appears to have had Micah 7:6 in mind when he spoke the words recorded in Matthew 10:35-36.

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