Thursday, November 25, 2010

Finished Genesis

This should have been posted June 14, 2010. This was the first book I finished in the Old Testament. It took me 2 weeks to read. I followed the reading schedule from readthescriptures dot com. My journal entries are rather boring. I copied & pasted the summaries from each chapter with very few comments of my own.

One comment I made on day 3 makes me chuckle:
Interesting that the name Javan is here. Chapter 10:2. I wonder if that is where present day name Javen comes from.
Because look at my comment from last night, day 177
I found in 1 Chronicles 1:7 that Javan was the grandson of Noah. Our little neighbor boy is named Javen. I had never heard the name before they had Javen.
I think one of the main problems I had with Genesis is I had never kept a scripture journal before. I didn't quite know how to keep one. I like to make notations in the margins of books, but even that is not something I do with abandon, mainly because most of the books I read are borrowed from the library or someone else. They are not my books to mark up.

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