Thursday, November 25, 2010

Finished Exodus

It took me 12 days to finish Exodus. I forgot to read one night. My entry on Day 25 says:
Forgot to read. Remembered when I was in bed.
I finished Exodus June 26 & was quite concerned I was now a day behind! Oh my! It seems I was still reading just to be reading. Case in point: On day 23 I wrote:
Who knew that Exodus was so boring? I remember I thought seminary boring the year we studied the Old Testament. It must have been the subject matter & not the teacher. I do remember that Moses' life is divided into 3 sections of 40 years. The first 40 years he spent as an Egyptian prince; next 40 years, shepherd; last 40 years, a prophet in the wilderness. Brigham Young is referred to as a latter-day Moses because he led the Saints to the Salt Lake Valley.

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