Thursday, November 25, 2010

Finished Deuteronomy

on July 31. It looks like it took me 9 days to read this. Let's see if my scripture journal has anything of interest in it. Not really, still copying the chapter summaries, but did copy some interesting snippets from the OTSM & made a few comments of my own.
According to the Old Testament Student Manual "Deuteronomy is a title formed from the two Greek words deutero, “second,” and nomos, “law.” Thus, the title means “the second law,” or “the repetition of the law” (see Fallows, Bible Encyclopedia, s.v. “Deuteronomy,” 1:522).
The OTSM says Moses did not die, but was translated because he had work to do which he needed his physical body for. I don't remember this either. Where was I in seminary?
Moses did not die, but was translated, transfigured because he had a mission to fulfill in the flesh, before Christ was resurrected. He & Elijah conferred the priesthood on Peter, James & John BEFORE Christ was resurrected. (OTSM)

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