Sunday, July 11, 2010

A 20 point book

In the Four Month Reading Challenge, Read a book considered Christian fiction is 20 points. One of the other choices is to read a book by an author you've never read before, but it is only 15 points. However, you can't read one book & count it for 3 different categories. I will, however, count the book three times, once in the 4MRC, once in 144 books & once in New Authors category, which is a sub-category of 144 books.

by Laurie L.C. Lewis

This was an unputdownable book. I would have read it in one sitting, if I could have. As it was, I'd grudgingly put it down to do what I HAD to do. And then stayed up way too late, finishing it.

The book leaped into my arms as I was leaving the library. Our librarians put new books on bookshelves as you enter/leave the library. I wasn't sure who the author was, I'd never heard of her, but I couldn't deny the book & turned back to check it out with my other books. Of course, the fact that the first chapter heading said, "Logan, Utah," sealed the deal. If it took place here, I had to see what it was like.

I seldom read LDS authors because, to quote another reviewer, "I feel as if the story is more about the author wanting to include their religious views on those reading, than they want to tell a good story."

I was pleasantly surprised. There were some twists that I didn't even see coming.

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