Tuesday, July 27, 2010

One Simple Act

Finished reading Debbie Macomber's One Simple Act: Discovering the Power of Generosity.

I will count this book as a 10 point hard cover book in T4MRC & as a favorite author in my 144 books for 2010 challenge because I've already read a book in the 200 series of the Dewey Decimal Challenge. Also, the reason I picked the book up is because Debbie Macomber wrote it. I will read anything Macomber has written.

Don used a story from the book in his Sacrament meeting talk on Sunday, July 25, regarding sacrifice. I was going to use something about listening when you pray, but ... my talk veered off another way & I didn't use it.

I gave it 5 stars on Goodreads. This book is a must have. I want to make notes in the margins, underline passages & have some of the stories for reference.

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