Sunday, July 4, 2010

Where the Wild Things Are

Yesterday, Mother & I watched the movie "Where the Wild Things Are." It is one of my favorite books, but ... I have mixed feelings about the movie. I know movies & books are different media types. I don't know that I liked the animals fighting among themselves.

Mother didn't like it, which I can understand because it didn't have a lot of dialog. It was a movie I wanted to see in the theaters, but am really glad I didn't spend the money to see it there. I got it from Netflix. Don-Mike says he already has a copy of it, which I didn't know.

The book, Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak, was the 1964 Caldecott Medal Winner. According to Wikipedia at first the book was banned in libraries and received negative reviews. Francis Spufford suggests that the book is "one of the very few picture books to make an entirely deliberate, and beautiful, use of the psychoanalytic story of anger".

Editor's Note: I chose to use a link, instead of embedding the video. For one, the video was too wide & covered up my sidebar, so I didn't like the looks of it, LOL, & 2, the cookies issue (see below).
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RATING: 4 out of 5.

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