Thursday, July 22, 2010

Finished Numbers

I finished Numbers, the 4th book of the Old Testament. I started reading it on July 7. It has been an interesting read, but seems like it has taken a long time to read. The Old Testament Student Manual (OTSM) titles the chapters on Numbers as "Wilderness Wanderings."
The first 3 chapters of Numbers is a census

Numbers 1: Moses and princes in Israel number in each tribe (except Levi) those males twenty years of age and older; They total 603,550; Levites appointed to attend tabernacle (KJV) & were not numbered as "able to go forth to war."  
According to OTSM, it is a matter of "translating correctly."

Chapter 2: Order and leaders of tribes and armies of Israel in their tents are set forth. (KJV)

The tribes were deployed in four groups of three tribes. (OTSM) They marched in order & camped in order.
I have heard the first 5 books of the Old Testament called the Torah, which is Hebrew for teaching or law, or the Pentateuch, Greek for penta [five] and teuchos [tool, vessel, book]. I chose not to read Moses from the Pearl of Great Price.

According to Wikipedia, The Torah contains a variety of literary genres, including allegories, historical narrative, poetry, genealogy, and the exposition of various types of law.

Frankly, I'm rather relieved to be finished with Numbers.

I started reading The Red Tent last night. It has been on my to be read (TBR) list since November 2007. I picked it up at Jenson Books in Providence  & found it the other night when I was putting something in the trunk of my car. It is the story of Dinah & her mothers from Genesis.

The review says this, "In fact, it's been said that The Red Tent is what the Bible might have been had it been written by God's daughters, instead of her sons." The King James Version this is not, LOL.

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