Friday, July 16, 2010

TBR book = 20 points

20 Point Challenge in The Four Month Reading Challenge (T4MRC).
  • Read a book in a series AND the one after it
  • Read a book that was a winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction
  • Read a book considered Christian fiction
  • Read a book from The Modern Library Top 100
  • Read a book by an author born in July, August, September or October
I finished Beedle the Bard by J.K. Rowling today. It has been on my To Be Read (TBR) list since Jan. 31, 2009. Janene Morgan sent it to me in March of '09. So, I can count it on my original TBR challenge, 2 read out of 12 scheduled. AND it counts in T4MRC challenge also because J.K. Rowling's birthday is July 31, the same day as Harry Potter's. Or is Harry Potter's birthday the same day as J.K. Rowling's? Whatever. I now have 40 points out of 250.
The Tales of Beedle the Bard 
J.K. Rowling (2008), 5, 7/16/10

This book was awesome. I wavered between "really liked it" & "awesome."

The book is presented as if it really existed. It is so well done, one could ask, "You mean it didn't really exist? But it is quoted extensively in Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows!! How could it NOT exist?"

My favorite story is Babbity Rabbity and Her Cackling Stump. Smart witch & the moral of the story is ... read it & find out.

I did not care for The Warlock's Hairy Heart. I call this one selfish & gruesome. Worthy of the Brothers Grimm.

The best part, however, is Dumbledore's commentary (Cliff's Notes) after each story.

I am glad that the proceeds from this book is helping The Children's High Level Group, now known as Lumos.

After finishing this book, I want to read Deathly Hallows again.

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