Thursday, July 15, 2010

20 Point Challenges

There are 5 books in the 20 Point Challenge in The Four Month Reading Challenge (T4MRC).
  • Read a book in a series AND the one after it
  • Read a book that was a winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction
  • Read a book considered Christian fiction
  • Read a book from The Modern Library Top 100
  • Read a book by an author born in July, August, September or October
I have read a book considered Christian fiction, "Awakening Avery," by Laurie L.C. Lewis. Actually, as I look at the list, there are SIX books. Read a book in a series AND the one after it, makes that particular challenge a 2-parter. Hmmm.

The reason I'm making this entry is challenge #4, Read a book from The Modern Library Top 100. Which top 100? There are 4 lists of 100 books each!!! Giving a choice of 400 books. And none of them sound very interesting.

Then there is the challenge to read a Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. I had to smile as I read through this list. I found I have read several of them. Nothing since 1961s winner, "To Kill A Mockingbird." The 1950 winner is "The Way West," by A.B. Guthrie, Jr. I remember my aunt Maxine told Mother not to let me read it because it had "adult content." That's not the way she worded it, but I heard her tell Mother, so I found the book in the attic at Grandpa's & Grandma's house & read it one afternoon while my mother, aunts & grandmother were quilting.

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